Nicholas Roerich

The exhibition From Russia to Tibet explores the work of the prolific Russian painter Nicholas Roerich, during and inspired by his epic six-year Asian Expedition through the Himalayas. Roerich’s paintings fastidiously document the landscapes, architecture and culture he encountered during his travels in the late 1920’s. His interest in eastern theologies and spirituality inspired him to embark on an ambitious expedition through Sikkim, Tibet and Mongolia. Roerich’s paintings are rendered in his bold style, with large blocks of colour and rough textures conjuring mystical almost fantastical landscapes.

Roerich was born in Saint Petersburg in 1874, and through-out his life he played a major part in the development of art and culture in Russia. He was a painter, writer, archaeologist and philosopher whose dedication to the preservation of cultural heritage led to many social and administrative laws which in turn earned him several nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. Among his numerous skills, he also became well-known as a stage and costume designer, designing the set for Igor Stravinsky’s avant-garde masterpiece The Rite of Spring (1917).

Screening daily in May – June 2019, Northbridge Piazza Screen.

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