DADAA: Catapult One

A glimpse of the emerging talent incubated at DADAA, WA’s leading arts and health organisation creating access to cultural activities for people with a disability or mental illness.

Many of the artists are supported by the Nexus Arts Grant, a program for young and emerging artists with a disability, delivered by DADAA Ltd. and funded by the Western Australian State Government through the Disability Services division of the Department of Communities.

Dadaa, with studios in Fremantle, Midland and Lancelin facilitates individual creative expression workshops, providing opportunities for artists living with mental illness and disability to explore their chosen mediums.

Exhibiting Artists – Aaron Heathwood, Brent Stanley, Brittney Coutts, Brittany Plummer, Christopher Hummel, Declan White, Dylan Madurun, John Morrison, Katelyn Murphy, Marie Tierney, Oliver-Max Taylor, Tom Brokenshire & Tom Linden-Wood.

Exhibiting at Gallery Central, North Metropolitan TAFE 1-19 October;
Daily screenings October – November, Perth Cultural Centre Screen.[/vc_column_text]
