Exhibitions on screen | Co3 The Chain Project

What do we say to ourselves, so we can overcome and endure?

Co3 Artistic Director, Raewyn Hill with video artist Elham Eshraghian-Haakansson invited viewers to watch a series of moving images devised and after contemplating the visuals and the themes of hope and endurance and then to share their thoughts.
Set within thee beautifully composed video work “In search of a Nighting Gale”  by Eshraghian-Haakansson the resulting work form The Chain Project, which contribute to the formation of ideas around endurance that are embedded in the main stage dance work, ARCHITECT OF THE INVISIBLE devised and directed by Raewyn Hill.

Find out more about the project https://co3.org.au/thechainproject/

The Chain Project screens nightly until Oct 17.


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