Exhibitions on Screen | that’s how everything happens really

that’s how everything happens really is a video artwork designed for a large LED screen with audio capability, exploring the possibility of an unavoidable destruction in the creation of economic and social community, how this relates to the public created by large screens, and the forcefulness inherent in such screens.

Graham Mathwin
Graham Mathwin is a Perth-based artist, videographer and writer. He graduated from Curtin University with Honours in Fine Art in 2015. His group shows include I’ll love you tomorrow, Success Gallery, Perth, 2016; Hatched National Graduate Show, PICA, Perth, 2016; and Worldline, Geraldton Regional Art Gallery, 2017. His solo shows include Twice a day, every day, it fails, Free Range Gallery, Perth, 2017; Take Care, Moana Project Space, Perth, 2017; and Eager Beaver, Outer Space, Brisbane; 2019. He was editor of Sensible Perth from 2015-2017 and he now co-edits Cactus Journal.

Graham’s principle interests are the guile and force of images in cinematic and photographic forms. He is currently engaged doing Higher Degree Research in Art at Curtin University.

Screening Nightly August 19 – 26 | 9PM

Image Credit: Still from video artwork 
that’s how everyhing happens really by Graham Mathwin.