Tjarlirli and Kaltukatjara Art

Tjarlirli Art Centre represents the artists of Tjukurla in the Ngannyatjarra lands of
Western Australia as well as Kaltukatjara Art Centre in Docker River, Northern
Territory. The artwork has strong links with the Papunya Tula movement as families
left Kintore and Kiwirrkurra to return to their homelands in the mid 1980ʼs.
Tjarlirli & Kaltukatjara Art has been recognised as a source of culturally significant
work produced by elders, as well as many young artists who are keen to carry on in
the same tradition as their parents.

Katjarra Butler, Ngamurru/Katjarra, acrylic on canvas, 91.4cm x 91.4cm
Courtesy of Tjarlirli

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