Microsoft Paint Paintings by Shawn Taylor

Shawn Taylor is an artist from Santa Cruz, California. Since the day he could hold a crayon, his love for drawing began to evolve. Working in lots of different mediums from pen and ink, sharpie, acrylics, canvas, wood, and metal, his favorite avenue for expression is through Microsoft Paint.

The simplicity of his drawings reflects the simplicity of the software – crude, non-technical expressions of his mind. His subjects are a broad mix of his interests-nature, surfing, friends, yoga, meditation, burning man, the universe, science, physics, music, and anything that’s funny. Randomness pervades his style, a brain fart on a digital canvas using his fingertip as the brush.

Shawn lives in Fremantle, Western Australia with his wife and two sons; he also produces electronic music and teaches yoga.

Microsoft Paint Paintings exhibiting at the Perth Cultural Centre Screen
Wednesdays & Saturdays 9am, December 2019 – January 2020.[/vc_column_text]
