Screening Daily November 8 – 15

The NAIDOC Week theme for 2020 is ‘Always Was, Always Will Be,’ which recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years.

The NAIDOC Week organisers write, ‘The very first footprints on this continent were those belonging to First Nations peoples. Our coastal Nations watched and interacted with at least 36 contacts made by Europeans prior to 1770. Many of them resulting in the charting of the northern, western and southern coastlines – of our lands and our waters.

For us, this nation’s story began at the dawn of time.

In response to this theme, The Northbridge Piazza Superscreen exhibits a week-long series of art exhibitions and film screenings, with daily screenings including work from Martumili Artists, Waringarri Arts, Artija’s Cultural Connections and Community arts Network.

Each year a feature presentation is selected, for 2020 the feature screening of In My Blood It Runs, directed by Maya Newell is the finale. Accompanying the feature documentary is a short film Noongar Boodja – Place Names Documentary, made by young Noongar filmmakers from Albany and produced by Community Arts Network. The free finale screening is at the State Library of Western Australia Theatre. Place Names is a five year program aimed at engaging communities across Noongar country and beyond in the Aboriginal stories, language and culture of each place.

The festival program, information  and screening times can be found at